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Using HTML Tags

You can further customize large blocks of text using HTML tags for further styling.

Gil Chan avatar
Written by Gil Chan
Updated over 3 weeks ago

You can find common HTML tags you can use on your website to style large blocks of text.
While not all blocks of text are enabled for HTML tags, usually, paragraphs are - Keep in mind that titles, and headers are usually pre-styled with the template.

Content (Container) Tags

Opening Tag

Closing Tag


<h1> to <h6>


Headings. H1 is the main heading, H2 is secondary, etc.






A container for a block of content



A container for in-line content, such as content inside a paragraph.



Gives the contained text emphasis (usually as italics).



Makes the contained text bold.

<a href = "document location">





Ordered (numbered) list



Unordered (bulleted) list



List item, must be nested inside a list element such as a <ol> or <ul>



Comment. Anything between these tags is not displayed on the screen. This is useful for making notes to yourself or to others who may view the source code of the web page.

Empty Non-Container Tags



<br />

Line break.

<img src ="image location" alt="alternate text" />

Inserts an image into a web page.


Opening Tag

Closing Tag

Sample Attributes




Adds a table



Table row (start & end).




When creating a table to display data, use this tag to differentiate the first row or column of cells as heading cells for all the other cells in the same column or row. Browsers typically display this element bold and centered within the table cell. The scope attribute defines whether this is a row header or column header.



Table data cell.


Use with <th> or <td> elements. Spans cells across multiple columns.


Use with <th> or <td> elements. Spans cells across multiple rows.

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